Lee Enterprises Consulting

World’s Premier Bioeconomy Consulting Group

Cell-cultured chocolate and coffee - Examined technology feasibility in terms of scientific knowhow, bioprocess scalability and comparable techno-economic projections

Scaling Fermentation Processes for Novel Cosmetics Ingredients - Supported the Optimization and External Scaling of Diverse Microbial Fermentation Processes with CDMO Parnters

Techno-economic Analysis of a Generic Recombinant Food Protein Process - Supported Model Development for a Large-Scale Production Facility of Recombinant Protein

Techno-economic Analysis of a Recombinant Egg Protein Process - Supported Development of a Novel Process Model for Egg Protein Made by Microbial Fermentation

Analysis of the Recombinant Egg and Dairy Protein Space - Performed an Analysis of the R&D Pipeline, Customer Landscape and Business Opportunity Space

Mycoprotein Investment Due Diligence – Supported a Potential Series C Investment in a Mycoprotein Producer by Reviewing Capacity Model Assumptions and Outputs

Fermentation of Lactose into Animal and Human Nutrition Ingredients – Performed a Broad Analysis of End Products and Fermenting Strains Used to Valorize Lactose-Rich Sidestreams

Techno-economic Analysis of a Novel Fermentation Process – Developed a Novel Process Model of an E.coli Recombinant Protein Process with Product Environmental End Use

Analysis of the Alternative Dairy Ingredients Industry– Examination of the Current State of Technology Development, Capacity Requirements and Cost Projections for Cell-based and Precision Fermentation Approaches

PHA Production Facility Evaluation – Evaluation of PHA Plant Production, Markets, & Expansion Plans for A Capital Financing Group

Alternative Proteins Investment Due Diligence – Evaluation of Fermentation Scalability, Technology Readiness and Market Projections of a B2B Manufacturer of Ingredients for Plant-based Meat for an Investment Group


Previous: Doug Grant