Dr. Greg Potter
For ten years, Greg Potter has worked on research projects and agendas that have been largely undefined and created without precedent. As a result, Dr. Potter has been thrown into wide open scientific spaces which require him to build infrastructure and systems. With each new collaborative project, Dr. Potter expands his expert knowledge base and technical aptitudes, resulting in new insights in established and nascent fields.
In the last 6 years he has worked in the field of sustainable protein production, using bacterial cells, fish cells, plant material, mycoprotein and recombinant protein. Through these complex projects, he has been immersed in all facets of the science and engineering of these disciplines, and is now more tuned into some of the broader challenges facing humanity. Namely, how a surging world population with an increased appetite for protein will feed itself in a way that continues to support the global economy while also respecting the need to greatly reduce our impact on an already taxed biosphere. As such, he is particularly motivated to apply his skills and expertise to revolutionize projects related to sustainable food systems, bioprocesses and bioproducts.
Areas of Expertise
▸ Cell-based meat production using fish cells
▸ Single cell protein using methylotrophic bacteria
▸ Microbial analysis of horticultural products
▸ Lipid and ultrastructural analysis of fermentation yeast
▸ Animal & fish cell culture
▸ Cell bioreactor operation
▸ Industrial yeast fermentations & Lab-scale fermentation assays
▸ Elemental analysis
▸ Media optimization
▸ Microbial biomass generation & operation
▸ Microscopy
▸ Protein analysis
▸ Strain selection and screening